We have all houses and buildings information
provided by DOB (NYC Department of Buildings) updated every day.
- DOB applications, approvals and work permits.
- Building code & zoning consultant (Record search).
- Buildings and houses violation removals.
- NYC zoning resolution violations.
- NYC building code violations.
- Eviction orders.
- NYC all forms.
- Sign-off of open applications.
- Removal of open violations.
- Issuance of Equipment Use Permits.
- Issuance of Temporary Place of Assembly Permits.
- Department of Environmental Protection, Department of Transportation, Parks Department and Art Commission requests.
- Issuance of Temporary and Final Certificates of Occupancy (C of O or CO).
- Scheduling and attendance of the Department of Building’s Construction Inspections.
- Assistance with sub-contractor sign offs (plumbing, elevator, electrical, and fire protection).
Questions about your property legal conditions? Leave it to Expert hands. Get all your questions answered. Avoid complaints.